The Bootstrap Engine was created to help entrepreneurs realize their God-given potential to create. We believe that we are co-creators in a divine process. That wealth, companies, opportunities, jobs, and products can all be created and destroyed. We also know that, while exhilarating and rewarding, the life of an entrepreneur can be lonely, stressful, chaotic, and consuming. Our desire is to come alongside the entrepreneur during the highs and the lows to help guide him or her through the process so that the their world that they're able to impact can benefit from their creativity.
Jordana Megonigal is a journalism professional with 18 years of experience in the field, and also serves as Publisher of Business Black Box magazine.
With a career that includes customer service, project management, client leadership, marketing, publishing, public relations and crisis communication, Jordana helped build from a ground level Showcase Publishing, the parent company of a now-seven-year-old regional business publication, Business Black Box.
The Bootstrap Engine will achieve its goals by providing
Each module consists of a four-week course, with the fourth week being a time to debrief, reflect, and translate it into personal use.